
Tips & Tricks to Charcoal BBQ

Nothing can beat that full-bodied, smokey scent of a charcoal grill being fired up. Charcoal can be intimidating but fear no more we have all you need to know about the basics of charcoal BBQing right here.

Before you even attempt to light the coals make sure all the vents are open! This is how you control the internal cooking temperature: wider vents mean hotter flames and more oxygen, whereas smaller vents mean cooler cooking temperatures - never close them all the way if you do, your flames will go out!

Time to start the grill! The easiest way is with a charcoal chimney – you do NOT need lighter fluid. Stuff crumpled newspaper loosely in the bottom of the chimney, then fill with charcoal. Remove the grate from the grill and place the chimney inside and light the newspaper.

Let the coals burn until they are covered with white ash. For high heat grilling, you need a full chimney this is perfect for steaks and burgers. It takes the coals about 5-10 minutes to get to a high heat. This temperature is great for searing meats on the outside while keeping them juicy on the inside. When grilling on high heat create two zones – stack more coals on one side of the grill for higher temperature cooking, after you sear the meat, move it to the cooler zone to cook through without burning.

TOP TIP - brush vegetable oil over the grate before you start cooking – this prevents the meat from sticking.

For medium heat, you need a ½ or ¾ chimney it takes about 25-30 minutes to reach this heat, which is an ideal temperature for chicken and veggies. As for a low heat you need a ¼ chimney, this is for slow cooking larger roasts.

See it's that easy! Get creative and try out some tasty recipes! Name a better way to impress friends and family this season by cooking up some mouth-watering hickory ribs! Shop our charcoal smokers if you want to give it a try for yourself.